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Wir sind kein Larsen Puzzles Testportal. Wenn du nach Kinderspielzeug Testberichten und Erfahrungsberichten zu Kinderspielsachen suchst, bist du hier nicht richtig. Auch Larsen Puzzles-Preisvergleiche und weitere Kinderspielzeug Vergleiche wirst du hier nicht finden und doch sind wir die ideale Seite, um Spielzeug- und eben auch Larsen Puzzles Vorschläge einfach zu finden.

Die Spielbedarf Suche – so helfen wir beim Kinderspielzeug Kauf?

Unsere Spielbedarf-Datenbank durchforstet zahlreiche Kinderspielzeug Expertenshops im Internet und bringt dich schnell zum jeweiligen Kinderspielzeug Shop, der eben auch Larsen Puzzles Artikel im Sortiment führen wird. Anstatt auf der Suche nach Kinderspielsachen nur bei einem Kinderspielzeug und Larsen Puzzles-Anbieter vorbeizuschauen, greifen wir gleich auf mehrere zu und ersparen dir lange Recherchen bei der Kinderspielzeug Suche.

Abseits der Larsen Puzzles. Dein Kinderspielzeug-Ratgeber

Natürlich gibt es auch beim Larsen Puzzles-Kauf so manches zu beachten, weshalb es sinnvoll ist, nicht gleich beim erst besten Spielwaren Shop zu kaufen. Mit ein wenig Recherche und Geduld bei der Suche nach Kinderspielsachen, die Freude bereiten, findet man sicher die richtigen Larsen Puzzles Ideen. Kommen wir nun zu unseren Larsen Puzzles – Ergebnissen und unseren Vorschlägen für dich.

Larsen Puzzles – der Produktüberblick

Auch wenn du hier bei der Larsen Puzzles-Suche mal keinen Erfolg hast und keiner der Kinderspielzeug Shops die passende Produktideen für Kinderspielsachen aller Art anbietet, lohnt es sich, wiederzukommen, denn unsere Datenbank auf aktualisiert sich ständig, so dass du vielleicht schon morgen den richtigen Larsen Puzzles- Artikel finden wirst.

Larsen Puzzles Multi Puzzle LA-AR1
Maxi (36.5x28.5 cm) with 58 pieces Have some 'maths' fun with this educational multiplication puzzle. In this puzzle, you will find 36 'problems' imprinted on each puzzle piece. The answers are imprinted on the frame, directly underneath. Each number and problem are printed in bright, neon colours to grab the puzzlers' attention. A large spotted ladybird illustration is placed on the bottom left hand of the frame. The puzzle comes complete with 58 curved edged pieces. On the bottom half of the puzzle, you will find the remaining 22 pieces with the answers or numbers on them, which relate to the 'problem' printed on the frame. Each puzzle piece is custom cut to fit the correct place in the tray. This puzzle is best suited for slightly older children, learning to multiply.
Larsen Puzzles Auto Puzzle LA-AK1
Maxi (36.5x28.5 cm) with 30 pieces You may very well admire this 30 piece classic automobile puzzle. Each puzzle piece is carefully cut as each individual car. You will find a Cadillac, Oldsmobile, Renault, Aston Martin, Volvo, Beetle, a Bristol 400, an Alfa Romeo, Citreon, Bugatti, Morris Minor, Jaguar, Packard V.12, Franklin 1908, a Borgward, Mercedes Benz, a Rolls Royce Phantom, a BMW 328 and more. Printed on the frame you'll find the name of each car and a mild yellow background screams "classic". This puzzle encourages both hand and eye coordination as the puzzler has to remember the shape and name of each piece. It is aimed at children with a keen interest in classic cars.
Larsen Puzzles Fire LA-US21
Maxi 36.5 x 28.5 cm.
Larsen Puzzles Happy Farm (Maxi) LA-CZ1
Maxi 36.5 x 28.5 cm. 33 pieces.
Larsen Puzzles Happy Forest Selfie LA-CZ2
Maxi 36.5 x 28.5 cm. 42 pieces.
Larsen Puzzles Learning english by the sea LA-EN3EN
Maxi (36.5x28.5 cm) with 70 pieces Learn 52 words in English with this educational puzzle. In the middle is a small puzzle with 18 puzzle pieces and a fixed frame around the pieces. In the puzzle there is a drawing from a beach, and there are 52 words in English for things you see in the picture. The same 52 words are on the frame outside, and there are 52 pieces with a picture of each of the things. Each of the pieces with one thing should be placed next to the corresponding word. First, place all the pieces by words that you know. Then complete the puzzle in the middle, and here you can find the English words that you have not yet learned. Then you can easily put the rest of the pieces in place. After a few times you will remember the new words you have learned
Larsen Puzzles 1-20 Puzzle
Maxi 36,5 x 28,5 cm.
Larsen Puzzles Larsen Panda
Maxi 36.5 x 28.5 cm.
Larsen Puzzles Auto Puzzle
Maxi (36.5x28.5 cm) with 30 pieces You may very well admire this 30 piece classic automobile puzzle. Each puzzle piece is carefully cut as each individual car. You will find a Cadillac, Oldsmobile, Renault, Aston Martin, Volvo, Beetle, a Bristol 400, an Alfa Romeo, Citreon, Bugatti, Morris Minor, Jaguar, Packard V.12, Franklin 1908, a Borgward, Mercedes Benz, a Rolls Royce Phantom, a BMW 328 and more. Printed on the frame you'll find the name of each car and a mild yellow background screams "classic". This puzzle encourages both hand and eye coordination as the puzzler has to remember the shape and name of each piece. It is aimed at children with a keen interest in classic cars.
Larsen Puzzles Flag-Puzzle
Maxi 36.5 x 28.5 cm.
Larsen Us21 Puzzle
Sehr gepflegter Zustand, 3-7 Tage Lieferzeit
Larsen Puzzles Multi Puzzle
Maxi (36.5x28.5 cm) with 58 pieces Have some 'maths' fun with this educational multiplication puzzle. In this puzzle, you will find 36 'problems' imprinted on each puzzle piece. The answers are imprinted on the frame, directly underneath. Each number and problem are printed in bright, neon colours to grab the puzzlers' attention. A large spotted ladybird illustration is placed on the bottom left hand of the frame. The puzzle comes complete with 58 curved edged pieces. On the bottom half of the puzzle, you will find the remaining 22 pieces with the answers or numbers on them, which relate to the 'problem' printed on the frame. Each puzzle piece is custom cut to fit the correct place in the tray. This puzzle is best suited for slightly older children, learning to multiply.
Larsen Puzzles Fire
Maxi 36.5 x 28.5 cm.
Larsen Puzzles Larsen Reindeer (60 pcs)
Maxi 28.5 x 36.5 cm. 60 pieces.
Larsen Puzzles The Nordic
Maxi 36,5 x 28,5 cm.
Larsen Puzzle - Lernpuzzles Lesen I (RA1-RA5) (LA1-DE)
Larsen Puzzle - Lernpuzzles Lesen I (RA1-RA5) (LA1-DE)